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Ambassador Aryasinha says “Sri Lanka today one of the safest destinations a tourist can expect to fly to”
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Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU Ravinatha Aryasinha has said,
“Sri Lanka is today one of the safest destinations in the world a tourist can expect to fly to”.
The Ambassador made this observation when he addressed passengers traveling to Sri Lanka on
the maiden Brussels-Colombo direct flight, at a departure ceremony held on Saturday
(30 October 2010) at the Brussels International Airport.
He later joined Mr. Jos Stroobants, Director/ Brussels Airport, Mr. Elie Bruyninckx Chairman Jetairfly and Mr. Marc Van de Wal, Director,Thomas Cook Belgium, in cutting a ribbon at the boarding gate to formally inaugurate the flight.
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Inter-Advisory Committee to facilitate early implementation of LLRC Proposals
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Approval has been granted by the Cabinet to set up an Inter-Agency Advisory Group (IAAG) to facilitate the early implementation of the interim recommendations by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).
The interim recommendations of the LLRC seek measures for speedy disposal of cases relating to persons in detention, in keeping with the due process, and to keep family members informed in the event of the change of location of detainees.
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Minister G L Peiris Refutes LTTE Propaganda in London
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Delivering the Keynote Address of the first Dialogue between the International Institute of Strategic Studies
(IISS) in London and the Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka, the External Affairs Minister Professor G.L
Peiris said that it is regrettable that groups close to the LTTE, knowing very well that they cannot unleash
violence the way they did with impunity in the past, have now taken on an initiative of a different complexion,
which has assumed the character of an economic onslaught against Sri Lanka.
Their purpose now is to dissuade investors and tourists from coming to Sri Lanka and cut
off access to western markets for Sri Lankan products.
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ICG, HRW and AI prefer to voice allegations from afar, than subjecting their assertions to scrutiny by the LLRC
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The Ministry of External Affairs responding to the rejection by the ICG, AI and HRW to an invitation extended
to these organizations by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) to make
representation before the Commission has said, “it leaves room to believe that these
Organizations would by far prefer to voice allegations from distant parts of the world, rather
than jeopardize their claims to credibility by subjecting their assertions
to scrutiny under the transparent and legally sound process afforded by the LLRC.”
The statement notes that “the Government having been encouraged by
the international community, established the LLRC on the 15th May this year
as a domestic process in pursuing an agenda of restorative justice, to
address the human and emotional repercussions of the decades-long conflict
and thereby lay the foundations for continued reconciliation, a step welcomed
both nationally and internationally”. Pointing out that “the joint letter
contains a series of unsubstantiated allegations against the GoSL on a wide
range of issues, including matters unrelated to the purview of the Commission”, the Ministry statement observes that
“the unusual decision of the three Organisations to release the joint letter
to the public, is demonstrative of a broader targeted agenda against the GoSL.”
Full statement
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Indo - Sri Lanka bilateral talks in Delhi
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President Mahinda Rajapaksa met Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 15
October and discussed several matters of bilateral importance.President is in
new Delhi where he attended the closing session of the 19th Commonwealth Games.
Sources said that both the leaders discussed on the progress of the joint
programme to build 50,000 houses in the North and East to give shelter to those
forced to become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to the the conflict
situation created by terrorism.
They also agreed to further strengthen cooperation in security and to continue
implementing the agreements reached at the bilateral meeting between the two
leaders last June.
Prime Minister Singh appreciated the efforts taken by the Sri Lankan government
in accelerating the development process with the restoration of peace. President
Rajapaksa apprised the Prime Minister of the progress in resettling IDPs and the
success achieved so far.
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President meets Lankan Medal winners at CWG closing session
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Participating at the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games 2010 as an
Honoured Guest, President Mahinda Rajapaksa met Sri Lankan medal winners
including Gold Medalist Manju Wanniarachchi at the CWG in Delhi. The President,
on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers, conveyed warm greetings and congratulated
Manju Wanniarachchi , the 31 year old sportsman from the Hill country for
winning a Gold Medal in boxing and bringing honor to his motherland. Sri Lanka
won this first Commonwealth Games Boxing Gold after 72 years.
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External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris met senior Indian Ministers
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External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris, having travelled to Delhi to
accompany President Mahinda Rajapaksa for the Closing Ceremony of the
Commonwealth Games and for the bilateral discussions with the Indian Prime
Minister, used the opportunity to also meet with several other senior Indian
Ministers including his Indian counterpart, External Affairs Minister S.M.
Krishna, Mr. P. Chidambaram, Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Kapil Sibal, Minister
of Human Resource Development and Mr. Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce &
Minister Peiris concluded his engagements on the 15th by delivering the
prestigious R .K. Mishra Memorial Lecture under the auspices of the Observer
Research Foundation, on the theme of “Growth, Equity and Security :
Constitutional Imperatives for South Asia”.
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European Council President Herman Van Rompuy says “the relationship between Europe and Sri Lanka is strong and a very old one”
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President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has
characterized the relationship between Europe and Sri Lanka as “strong and a very old one”,
and that between Belgium and Sri Lanka as “excellent”. Mr. Van Rompuy, who was previously
the Prime Minister of Belgium, made these observations when he and Madam Van Rompuy participated as the Guests of Honor
at a concert by Sitar Virtuso Pradeep Ratnayake and his ensamble held at the Palais des Beaux Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels
on Saturday (2 October 2010). The event was part of the cultural programme held to coincide with the Asia-Europe
Summit Meeting (ASEM8) which is taking place in Brussels from 4-5 October.
Pradeepanjalee Concert BOZAR - Photographs
Pradeepanjalee Concerts - Video
“Pradeep Ratnayake does Sri Lanka proud in Brussels ” - a review
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Sri Lanka promotion accompanies Sitar Concert in Brussels
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To coincide with the Asia-Europe Summit Meeting (ASEM8) which took place in Brussels from
4-5 October, a multi-faceted “Sri Lanka evening ” which centred around a Sitar
recital by Pradeep Ratnayake and ensemble was held at the Palais des Beaux Arts
(BOZAR) in Brussels on 2 October 2010. The Sri Lanka Embassy in Brussels in
collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism, Sri Lankan Airlines, and the Belgolux-Sri Lanka
Business Council organized the event attended by over 400 persons. It comprised of a
trade display focussing on tea and spices, providing an opportunity for the guests to taste
a cup of Ceylon tea from the varieties of teas displayed. There was also a colourful
projection of Sri Lanka as a tourist destination and of the National carrier Sri Lankan Airlines.
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Pradeep Ratnayake and Ensemble perform at the European Parliament
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Sri Lankan sitar virtuoso Pradeep Ratnayake and ensemble performed at the European Parliament
in Brussels last week to an audience which included MEPs, Parliamentary staff and officials
from European Institutions and EU member states. This performance considered as the first by
a Sri Lankan artist in the European Parliament, was held at the Yehudi Menuhin Auditorium
in the presence of Dr. Libor Rouček, Vice-President of the European Parliament.
The event was hosted by the Sri Lanka Embassy in Brussels
in collaboration with MEP Nirj Deva and the Friends of Sri Lanka group of the European Parliament.
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Sri Lankan Community in Belgium holds a Holy Mass
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A Sri Lankan Community in Belgium organized a Holy Mass on 18th of September 2010
at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament at the Chaussée de Wavre, Brussels to felicitate
Fr. Dr. Justin Chawkan as he returns to Sri Lanka after many years of service to the Sri
Lankan community in Brussels. The mass was be celebrated by Rev.Dr.Justin Chawkin himself & Rev. Fr.Claude Nonis, in Tamil and Sinhala.
Sri Lankans of all faiths, as well as Belgian friends of Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans
living in Netherlands and Norway joined in this Sri Lankan community Holy Mass.
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European Commission provides €10 million for humanitarian actions in Sri Lanka
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The European Commission has adopted a €10 million Decision to provide humanitarian
assistance to people who had been displaced by conflict. Kristalina Georgieva, European
Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, has said: “Last year, the Commission
allocated a total of €13 million to Sri Lanka. With this Decision, Europe is following through
on its commitment to assist Sri Lanka people”. Although improvements have been made in many areas,
urgent needs remain and have to be addressed through adequate access for international
aid The new funding will provide assistance in the areas of shelter, food assistance,
water and sanitation, as well as the financing of de-mining programmes.
Particular focus will be placed on reaching the most vulnerable among the returnees,
namely female-headed households, the disabled, the elderly and the children”.
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Oversubscribing of sovereign bond issue underscores global investor
confidence in Sri Lanka - Central Bank
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Sri Lanka’s sovereign bond issue of USD 1 billion was oversubscribed by more
than six times within 14 hours after its issue, clearly underscoring the high
global investor confidence based on the recent progress and the future prospects
in Sri Lankan economy since the end of the conflict in the country, the Central
Bank stated. Sri Lanka finalized a USD 1 billion 10 year Sovereign Bond issue
with a coupon rate of 6.25% on 27 September 2010. This was the third
international sovereign bond offering, following issues in 2007 and 2009. The
Government will use the proceeds from the bond issue to finance its current
infrastructure and to restructure a part of the existing debt stock of the
government to improve overall public debt management.
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President Rajapaksa meets with top American Business Leaders
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While on official visit to New York City for the United Nations General
Assembly, His Excellency, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa attended a
luncheon for American business leaders to outline emerging opportunities for
investment in Sri Lanka.
Business executives from a variety of industries, including the hospitality and
tourism industry, the beverage industry, and the aerospace and defense community
attended the luncheon held at New York City’s Helmsley Hotel.
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President meets Hungarian leader
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President Mahinda Rajapaksa held bilateral discussions with Hungarian President
Pal Schmitt at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The Hungarian President will be the next President of the European Union, which
brings added significance to this bilateral meeting. The two leaders discussed
matters of common interest to both countries, particularly the development of
economic and cultural relations.
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Productive talks between President and Ban Ki-Moon
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In a highly productive discussion with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the UN today (24)
President Mahinda Rajapaksa apprised the UNSG that the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission
(LLRC), was fully transparent and was established on the principles of accountability
in keeping with Sri Lanka’s own method of searching for the truth regarding a prolonged
conflict, and identifying ways of preventing such conflicts in the future.
The meeting between President Rajapaksa and the UNSG took place on
the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Sessions now on in New York.
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Sri Lanka pursues nation-wide agenda of renewal – President
’International Humanitarian Law should reflect reality of non-state actors in
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President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said “the focus of the entire nation is now on
building a lasting peace,healing wounds, ensuring economic prosperity and
guaranteeing the rights of the whole nation to live in harmony”. He said Sri
Lanka “welcomed the support of the international community as we rebuild our
lands and our economy. We sincerely hope that they will be prepared to take a
practical approach to developing partnerships with Sri Lanka through
international trade, investment and capacity building.”
The President made theses observations when he addressed the General Debate of
the 65th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on 23
September 2010.
Webcast of address...
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Sri Lanka already attained, or on track to attain MDGs - President tells MDGs
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Sri Lanka has incorporated Millennium Development Goals key performance
indicators in our national budget policies, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said.
Speaking at the Summit of the Millennium Development Goals in New York, he
pointed out that as a result Sri Lanka has already attained or is on track to
attain the MDGs, despite formidable odds, including the almost thirty years of a
violent terrorist movement and the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
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Parliament approves 18th Amendment with overwhelming majority
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The Parliament has passed the 18th Amendment to the
constitution with an unprecedented majority this afternoon.
All the Members of Parliament of the UPFA and SLMC, several MPs
of the UNP and a single MP of the TNA voted in favour of the Amendment,
while the TNA and JVP voted against.
Majority of UNP MPs did not participate in the debate.
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Indian investor interest rising – President
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President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that Indian investor interest in Sri Lanka is rapidly growing,
and that several leading Indian entrepreneurs in industry and other
sectors have expressed interest in setting up business in Sri Lanka.
President Rajapaksa said this when Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama
Rao called on him at the Temple Trees this evening (September 01).
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