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The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brussels participated in the European Parliament ‘Fair-Trade Breakfast-2024’, on 13 November 2024, highlighting Sri Lanka as one of the best ethical and sustainable sourcing destinations in the world.

The event was organized by the ‘Fair Trade Advocacy’ Office in Belgium and hosted by the European Parliament's ‘Fair Trade Working Group’ and its Chair, Bernd Lange, a Member of the European Parliament. The Embassy, with the support of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) participated in the event as a special guest. A cross section of fair trade products manufactured by a number of Sri Lankan Faire-trade certified companies was showcased in the event, including tea, spices, coconut-based products and toys.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Belgium, Chandana Weerasena addressed the gathering and provided a brief introduction to the background of the diverse range of fair trade products in Sri Lanka, current developments and challenges in the fair trade sector. Further, on behalf of Sri Lankan stakeholders, Ambassador pointed out key areas that Sri Lanka needs support from relevant EU institutions and international fair trade organizations.

Managing Director at the Fair Trade Advocacy Office, Jorge Conesa de Lara highlighted that securing fair trade structures based on mutually beneficial collaborations with producers, farming communities and partner countries must be central to the process when entering legislation to advance sustainable development.

A young producer from the Offinso Fine Flavour Cooperative Cocoa Farmers and Marketing Society Limited, Juliana Asiedu highlighted the urgent need to support farmers to adapt to climate change, urging policymakers to place farming communities at the heart of decision-making. Founder of the fair trade verified jewelry brand, SeeMe, Caterina Occhio whose extensive work in promoting gender equality through ethical and fair trade practices demonstrated how these efforts not only contribute to global justice but also transform the lives of producers.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, and Co-chair of IPES-Food Olivier De Schutter was also among the distinguished guests in attendance. Further, a number of MEPs from the European Parliament, a large number of members from International and European Fair-Trade Networks, Civil Society Organizations, and other Missions to the European Union also joined the event.


Rue Jules Lejeune 27
1050 Brussels