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Separate passports for children who are born abroad are issued. The following requirements should be fulfilled;

·          Form ‘K’ ( Application for a new travel doc.-Form K IM 35)

·         4 colour photographs [3.5 x 4.5 cm] taken within 3 months – without white border (should be 'direct face' and both ears must be visible and no spectacles or sunglasses).

·          Original Birth Certificate of the child

·          If the child is born outside Sri Lanka, Citizenship Certificate issued under the Citizenship Act

(If the Citizenship Certificate has not yet been issued the original receipt of payment for Citizenship Certificate)

·          Parent’s passports & Resident permit

·        Original Marriage Certificate of parents. That certificate should be legalized by the Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka. If the marriage has been registered outside Sri Lanka, it should be countersigned by the relevant Consular Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, where the marriage was registered.

·          A letter signed by the parents giving consent to issue a separate passport to their child

Relevant fee



Rue Jules Lejeune 27
1050 Brussels